• Northern White Sand

    Northern White Sand



    About Us

    Northern White Sand is the first and best choice of proppant for hydraulic fracturing as well as, vital industrial markets throughout North America, such as Glass, Foundry, Building Products, Filtration, Geothermal, Renewables, Ceramics, Turf & Landscape, Retail, Recreation and more. The story extends beyond sand itself; sustainable supply, massive reserve, quality focus, environmental sensitivity and efficient logistics through unit train delivery capability is smarter.

    At Smart Sand, we think it is smarter to look at the big picture: moving sand from the origin to destinations reliably and continuously. Smart Sand is invested in sustainability, in our community and in the environment. We are a proud member of the Wisconsin Industrial Sand Association and the Wisconsin’s marquee environmental performance partnership, Green Tier.

    Combining state-of-the-art mining, logistics, scientific and IT technologies with a commitment to sustainability makes Smart Sand the logical and intelligent choice for premium monocrystalline sand.